People matter and how they spend their day is important.


Our Day Support Program provides a space for participants to be part of their community.



Call or email us for more information.
2180 Howard Ave.
Windsor, ON
N8X 3V1
Certified Care
Our staff are certified in Safe Management, First Aid and Safeguards Respite Support.
" What disability means matters. What it doesn't mean matters more"

Dave Hingsburger
Respect & Compassion

Our Services

Person Centered

We use a person centred approach when helping participants choose their goals and how they would like their Day Supports to look. 

Day Supports

Our Day Program is offered Monday – Friday form 8a-3:30pm. Every morning we begin with a group activity and discussion of how each person would like to spend their day. 

Cultural Compentancies

We Sundstrand the importance of a person individual cultural and spiritual needs. We do our best to accommodate diversity in our program by ensuring we understand each participants culture and spiritual needs while in our program.  

Community Connection

We believe it is important that participants connect with their community.  Our Day Program staff help people find ways to connect to their community that are meaningful to them. 

Day Support Goal

Life long learning is an ongoing process where a person seeks to enhance their social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development. Here at Freedom Respite we aim to assist participants in self realization of their full potential as members of community. 


Day Support Goal

The relationships that people have around them are most important to the whole well being of an individual. Such connections like family, friends, and co-workers are important in every day life. Being able to distinguish social boundaries in developing relationships is key making connections last. Here at Freedom Respite we assist participants to develop healthy boundaries through our life skills program. 

Day Support Goal

Every person has a unique skill, something that they enjoy doing. Here at Freedom Respite we take the time to get to know each participants and help them in developing skills that are useful in everyday life..


Our mission is to provide the best supports and services.

Freedom Respite Program realizes the need for people to self govern their life. We use a person centred approach to life long learning, social connections and skill development by offering day support programs. By providing these opportunities it is the hope that each person will develop skills to realize their full potential as citizens of our community.

Great Staff
Our Direct Support Professionals respond every time with a big warm smile.
Contact Us

Get in Touch and Let us provide supports and services for your Loved Ones.